Category: Tech Updates

New Sports Schedule Generator
Tech Updates

Our Sports Schedule Generator is Here!

We’re excited to announce that we released a schedule generator for sports leagues! You can customize locations, manage divisions, post game results and track standings.
Sierra Swigert
donations feature release blog post featured image
Tech Updates

Feature Releases - Donation Module, Contact Us, and More!

Collect donations from your homepage using our new Donations Module! Plus, a new Contact Us module, Weather module, and more!
Tim Gusweiler
the new jersey watch sports website builder
Tech Updates

Our New Sports Website Builder is Here!

Today we're excited to release a new version of our sports website builder! You can now drag and drop modules on your homepage, create new modules, and more!
Tim Gusweiler
discount codes for youth sports registration featured image
Tech Updates

Feature Release - Discount Codes for Online Registration

Our new discount code feature allows you to apply discounts for specific players or groups at checkout. Learn more in this post!
Tim Gusweiler
the new jersey watch background check feature with yardstik
Background Checks
Tech Updates

Feature Update - Background Checks for Youth Sports

Keeping players safe should be a top priority in youth sports. Today we're releasing a major update to our youth sports background check software!
Tim Gusweiler
a sports registration form builder for player registration
Tech Updates

Feature Release - New Registration Program Builder

Our new sports registration form builder allows you to create custom questions, set registrant limits, require document uploads, and more. Build your forms in minutes and supercharge your registration next season!
Tim Gusweiler
a screenshot of the Jersey Watch dashboard
Tech Updates

Feature Release - New Dashboard!

Today we're excited to release a redesigned version of our Dashboard! The new Dashboard gives you a glimpse into everything happening on your website, including players registered, dollars collected, and messages sent to your participants.
Tim Gusweiler