Run Fast and Reliable Youth Sports Background Checks

Keep young athletes safe during the season with accurate background screenings on coaches, volunteers, and referees.
Youth Sports Background ChecksYouth Sports Background ChecksYouth Sports Background ChecksYouth Sports Background Checks


Start Running Background Checks Quickly

Start Running Background Checks QuicklyStart Running Background Checks Quickly

Peace of Mind in Less Than 24 Hours

No long wait times and paperwork. Get criminal background checks for your youth sports program in just 24 hours.

Affordable, Reliable, & Fast

Background checks start at just $10 per volunteer and include Social Security Number Validation and National Criminal Search. Order more detailed information for an additional fee.

Incorporate Screening Seamlessly into Your League Registration

Include background checks alongside Jersey Watch's all-in-one sports league management software.

Invite Coaches & Volunteers in Minutes

 Invite Coaches & Volunteers in Minutes

Send Email Invitations with a Few Clicks

Enter the name and email address of the volunteer to send invitations. Adding candidates is a breeze.

Select Packages Depending on the Needs of Your Organization

Select from different background check options. Order screening services that cover criminal records, misdemeanors, and national sex offender registries for $10, or more detailed checks for an additional fee.

Simple & Fast Experience for Coaches

Volunteers can complete their screening in just a few minutes, completely online.

View & Manage Results, All in One Place

View & Manage Results, All in One Place

Access Screening Status Quickly

View volunteer results directly in your account. Criminal history and motor vehicle records are often available less than 24 hours after a thorough background check is completed.

Clear Volunteers Before the Season

Make sure each volunteer passes a comprehensive background check before they interact with players. View detailed results for each volunteer and sort by Background Check Status.

Sort Volunteers by Year and Keep Up with Renewals

View the date of results to make sure all youth sports volunteers are up-to-date on their background check.

Award-Winning Customer Support

Excellent choice for our volleyball club! Simple to use and the support is fantastic!
HighLine Volleyball


HighLine Volleyball
The Jersey Watch staff have been very helpful with any questions or issues. The email and text message feature is a big plus. They are always trying to improve. A+
Athens Sandlot

George McCarthy

Athens Sandlot
The Jersey Watch team has been very responsive. They field my questions quickly and provided solid suggestions to make the website as informative as possible.
Ozark Youth Football

David Meierotto

Ozark Youth Football

Ready to get started?

Create an account to see how Jersey Watch has helped over 2,400 sports organizations grow.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a background check take?
Volunteers immediately receive an email invitation to complete their check. They fill out a simple form that takes about 5 minutes to complete. After they complete their form the results are available to your organization within 24 hours.

How much do background checks cost?
There are three options for background checks - $10, $20, and $30. Prices vary based on the level of detail and length of history that you want to receive in the screen.
When you invite a candidate, you can choose to have the candidate pay for their own background check or your organization can pay for the background check.

What do background checks screen for?
A standard background check provides a comprehensive review of an individual's history, searching criminal records across multiple jurisdictions, sex offender registries, and identity verification systems.
The screening process can include both state and national databases to identify any red flags in a person's background that might affect their suitability for working with young athletes.

Why are background checks important for youth sports coaches?
Background checks serve as a crucial safeguard in youth sports, creating a protective barrier between children and potential risks. They help organizations fulfill their duty of care, satisfy insurance requirements, and build trust with parents.
This screening process demonstrates a commitment to safety and helps create an environment where young athletes can thrive under qualified, trustworthy leadership.

Who should pay for the background checks?
Most youth sports organizations cover the cost of background checks as part of their operational expenses. This removes financial barriers for volunteers and ensures consistent screening quality across the organization.
The cost can be incorporated into program budgets or registration fees, making it a manageable expense that contributes to the overall safety and professionalism of the program.