Guide to Getting Started on Jersey Watch (in 15 minutes or less)

Tim Gusweiler
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featured image for getting started on jersey watch blog post
Jersey Watch is built for busy sports volunteers - you can create a website you're proud of, build registration forms, and start registering players in just a few minutes.
Follow this guide to launch your website and online registration in 15 minutes or less.

Build your Website

Adding pages, content, and schedules just takes a couple of clicks. Here are some of the most important things to do as you get started...

Add your logo, colors, and sport

Start by adding your logo and selecting colors. We'll also automatically generate an initial design for your website based upon your sport and organization name (all of this can be customized later).

Add content to your website

Visitors to your website will want to know what your organization is all about and who is involved. Here are a few things you should consider adding:
  • Description of your organization - including sports you offer, season start dates, registration dates, and age groups
  • Staff members like coaches or board members (you can include profiles including title, bio, contact information, and photo using our Staff page template)
  • Your Mission Statement or other key goals of your organization
  • Post an Announcement and send it with the latest news about your organization
  • Add Slideshow photos - we recommend adding a few of your highest action quality images from recent games. You can also add a caption and link the images to important pages on your website (like the registration page).
  • Collect donations on your homepage by creating a donation module.

⚡ BONUS - Our team can help transfer content from your current website

Do you have an existing website with lots of information? Don't worry about starting from scratch. Our team is happy to help transfer content when you sign up for a plan.

Set up online registration

Jersey Watch is built to set up powerful registration forms for your organization and help you register more players.
Default questions (like player name, birth date, and contact information) are built into your form automatically.
Here are some of the built-in features you can use:

Sign up for a Plan

Sign up for a subscription plan to activate your website and turn on registration. Learn more about pricing plans here: Jersey Watch Pricing Information (there are no contracts or setup fees with any of the plans 😀).
Here's a few tips once you launch your website:
  • If you have an existing domain name from a prior website, you can use it! It's quick to connect within your account, or you can contact our support team at if you need a hand.
  • Select a short domain if you don't already own one (for example, if your organization is named Eastland Bobcats Youth Sports Association you should select as your domain if it is available)
  • Add additional Administrators from your organization to edit the website and access registration.
  • Publish your website to all of your social media channels

Grow your organization

Running your sports organization is a year round activity - even if your season only lasts part of the year.
Here are some strategies to continue to grow once you have your website and registration up and running.
  • Improve communication - Your account will store all of the contact information for parents, coaches, volunteers, and anyone else involved with your organization. You can send email or text notifications to groups (like teams or divisions) or your entire organization with just a couple of clicks.
  • Create 10+ Website pages - Aim to have at least 10 pages on your website at all times. You can change your website's navigation throughout the year depending on priorities. For example, during registration you can make registration information most prominent. Once the season starts, list your schedules at the top of your website.
  • Set up sponsorship pages - Your website can be a great place to promote your sponsors and get new support from local businesses. Once your website is up and running you should make sure to list all of your sponsors on the website, create sponsorship packages, and set up online payments for new sponsors.
  • Post game and event schedules - Once your season gets started you should publish practice and game schedules on your website. You can manually add events or generate a sports schedule.
  • Recruit volunteers - Don't try to do everything yourself! Your website can be a great place to list volunteer opportunities and encourage others to get involved. Consider creating a menu on your website with available positions, volunteer requirements (including background checks), advantages to volunteer (like registration discounts), and make it easy for people to reach out to volunteer!

Questions about getting started?

Our team is here to help with anything you need to get started growing your sports organization.
Feel free to visit our FAQ page or contact our team directly at - we'd be happy to hear from you!
Jersey Watch is the Fastest Way to Manage Your Sports Organization